Film Films

December 4, 2008

3 Films Recently Seen

Filed under: Uncategorized — mpdp28 @ 4:42 pm

1.  The Dark Knight

I enjoyed this film as it encompasses the old views of good versus evil, and has deep roots within film, and specifically literature.  Moreover, as it moves through the classic themes of dark and light, so does the lighting which shifts the moods and changes the viewers perception.

2. Juno

Though this film was watched in class, I believe that this deserves a special mention, as it also carries through continuous themes inherently hinted throughout the film, though unexpected do not surpass the viewer’s views.

3.  Iron Man

I chose this film just to contrast it to the Dark Knight choice that I made, which is that one film can completely hit what I want, and the other does not.

November 16, 2008

Pulp Fiction Opening Scene

Filed under: Uncategorized — mpdp28 @ 8:10 am

November 13, 2008

Film Propsal

Filed under: Uncategorized — mpdp28 @ 2:56 pm

Hindered by the limited location availability and variety of school, the opening scene of Pulp Fiction is used for inspiration by taking the school setting and encapsulating the story of the scene through the topic of lunch.

The sequence is set in the dog eat dog world of school. Two characters, are set on the difficult task of deciding whether or not to share a pizza or buy two separate burgers.

When the conflict heightens, and the two divulge into the chemical properties and health effects of the food, one of the characters bursts out, stands up, and bursts out on a rampage.

The frame stops, and credits roll leaving the viewer to debate upon what the character does. Will the protagonist steal all the food? Or will he claim the health hazards of the food?

November 9, 2008

Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized — mpdp28 @ 10:08 am

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