Film Films

May 31, 2009

Angels and Demons

Filed under: Uncategorized — mpdp28 @ 3:33 pm

Not very enjoyable. I recently watched this film and I must say, this is not a very enjoyable film. First of all, I fell asleep through half the film, but it still did not keep me guessing! I must inform you that I have never read Dan Brown’s novel, but I could still guess what would happen. I suppose you could blame poor acting, but I do not believe that that can be the sole blame for such a poor quality film. Though the cinematography and editing is far greater than anything that I would ever produce, I believe that the film could have been made of so much more, and yielded a better response from myself.

Film Progress

Filed under: Uncategorized — mpdp28 @ 3:28 pm

As of lately, the progress of the making of our film has been swift, but we have encountered problems that may be detrimental to the completion of the film.  The largest problem that we had encountered during the production of the film was the fact that the shots that we had redone were not re-captured onto the computer, and were therefore not able to meet the deadline for camera returns. Old footage that was not good for the final cut of the film was used and the quality of the film depleted as well.

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